
Polkadot on Ethereum Community Conference 2019

The following list of videos were recently posted on the Polkadot Watercooler Riot channel. So if you are interested in the current state of the project put some hours aside and watch the videos: All videos from Ethereum Community Conference 2019 htt... Read More

Python Tutorial: Fuzzy Name Matching Algorithms

How to cope with the variability and complexity of person name variables used as identifiers. This is the fifth article of our journey into the Python data exploration world. A list of the published articles you can find here (and the source code her... Read More

Monologue of the Algorithm Video: how Facebook turns users data into its profit

Panoptykon Foundation is a polish foundation which was established in April 2009 by a group of engaged lawyers, to express their opposition to surveillance. I got recently aware of them and was impressed by their content work around surveillance. The... Read More

Python Tutorial: Short Stop To Introduce Main Statistical Concepts

Explaining the concepts by using our tutorial program as a showcase  I planned to introduce in this session the merging algorithm for our two data sets via the name variables.  To outline the overall approach understandably and concisely, it’s essent... Read More

Python Tutorial Exercise 3: Implement the govAPI_UK class

Write a govAPI_UK implementation class which retrieves the following attributes from the UK government API: family name given ame gender party id (by extracting the number out of the _about attributes) Below you see a dedicated record of the members ... Read More

Python Tutorial: Connect Government Data API's By Using The Factory Pattern

Source Politician Data from  Public Government Data API’s to Increase Allocation Accuracy In this tutorial, we do mainly two steps First of all we generate some plotly diagrams out of our collected data, secondly, we connect a public government API t... Read More

Python Tutorial: Government Social Media Analyser Class Build Out

In this exercise, we will convert our initial program (refer to the first tutorial) to a general purpose program for fetching twitter information of parliaments member of a country. This means we do the first iteration of generalization and refactori... Read More

Python Tutorial Exercise 1: Introduce check_for_party

This is the exercise for the first tutorial: In order to identify the associated party of a Swiss politician, we introduce the method c... Read More

Python Tutorial: Retrieve a list of Swiss Government Members From Twitter

The tutorial will show you how to extract a list of tweeting Swiss Government Members via the Twitter API. The extracted data will be put into a Panda Dataframe and then visualized via the powerful Plotly package.  Source Attribution: http://www.parl... Read More

Sequence Diagram: Ethereum Contract Transaction Execution

This is a draft article and will be updated later.  To find a zoomable image of the diagram go: here. The diagram was generated using the PlantUML tool, you can find the source on: github.

Hello world

This blog entry... Read More