
DMARC: How to monitor and secure your email

In my blog article „Get a bullet proof email set up for spf-dkim-dmarc', I explained how to setup your email account in order to be protected against spammer. I was following mainly the advices of postmark, which did an excellent job in this area. In... Read More

Meteor Small Hints #1: Execute a function by name which works on client and server

Calling a function by name in Meteor gave me at the beginning some headache concerning the passed context.
I.e. the helper function which manages the function by name execution, must work on the client, as well as server side...

Micro-Business Quick Tips #5 - Using Product Canvas to create and define new Products

This is the second article out of a series how to bootstrap your company to sell a first product. First  article introduces 'Visualizing your Business Model with Canvas' Second article will cover 'Using Product Canvas to create and define new Product... Read More

Micro-Business Quick Tips #6 - The Business Model Canvas Playground for Free

This is the third article out of a series how to bootstrap your company to sell a first product. First  article introduces 'Visualizing your Business Model with Canvas' Second article will cover 'Using Product Canvas to create and define new Products... Read More

Micro Business Quick Tips #4: Visualizing your Business Model with Canvas

This is the first article out of a series how to bootstrap your company to sell a first product. First  article introduces 'Visualizing your Business Model with Canvas' Second article will cover 'Using Product Canvas to create and define new Products... Read More

Micro Business Quick Tips #3: Rechtssicherheit bei der Eröffnung eines Onlineshops in der Schweiz

Der Betrieb eines Onlineshops oder einer E-Commerce Lösung ist für ein Startup oft ein wichtiger Verkaufskanal und integraler Bestandteil des entsprechenden Businessmodells.


Micro Business Quick Tips #2: Build a Business Without Employees

A helpful article by which outlines some basics of How to build a Seven-Figure Business Without Employees. As the article states

The good news is that...

Docker Small Hints #6: Using Cloudwatch in combination with Log Entries Management Solution

As explained in my last article “ Using Cloudwatch Alarms for monitoring AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker Instances“ I set up a Cloudwatch Alarm to detect inactivity/potential hanging scenarios of my micro service. ...

Docker Small Hints #5: Using Cloudwatch Alarms for monitoring AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker Instances

My first docker based content curation microservice is in early beta mode and is working reliably for a longer period of time now. The last deployment of the application was up and running for 46 days without any...

Launching a New Product? These 5 Tips Will Get You the Testimonials You Need

Demian Farnworth was publishing a very helpful article on the well known “copyblogger” site about the strategy how to get testimonials for your new product launch.
