
Running Nextcloud on Windows 10 Docker Installation


  • Having Docker Desktop installed. I used the Hyper-V version, which requires Windows 10 Professional licence.

  • Enable Sharing your Drive in Docker Desktop

  • Create directories which will be mounted by Docker

Add docker-compose.yml file

Add d b.env file

  • Add the following file

Run docker-compose

  • Run the command docker-compose up
    • Which will start the 3 docker instances

  • Head over to the config.php in your local mounted docker volumes

  • And add in the file an additional entry

  • Stop and restart the Docker images
  • Now you are ready to log into your nextcloud environment (provide the admin password the first time you log in)

Done - Three docker containers are created and running

  • docker container 1: maria-db
  • docker container 2: nextcloud application
  • docker container 3: db backup container

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