ERC-725 Video Tutorial
Origin, which are building a platform for decentralized peer-to-peer marketplaces, published recently
an excellent tutorial and Youtube video about “Managing Identity with a UI for ERC 725”.
ERC 725 (and 735) — a proposed standard for managing identity on the blockchain from Fabian Vogelsteller. Fabian works on the Ethereum project and is well known in the community as the creator of the Mist browser and Web3.js.
The standard is about Identities, Claim Issuer and Claim Checker. In a nutshell the concept is described in this comment by Fabian.
By the way I found it super useful to subscribe to the ERC-725 comment history on Github to understand how the standard is evolving during its draft phase. You got more or less a live picture of the incremental design process of an ERC standard.
But nothing beats a prototype GUI demo when it comes to an easy to follow tutorial of an ERC standard. So thanks to
Nick Poulden who assembled this learning video.
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