
Meteor Small Hints #3: Passing Query Parameters to Signup Route

This is a condensed tutorial which was initially described in here.

I have a use case, where a new user will subscribe for one of my products, via a landing page. What I want to do is to route the registration via the normal Meteor Accounts sign up route. After having successfully registered for an account, I will manage the various set-up steps as post-process steps.

This requires that I can provide to the signup route an additional parameter reg_code, which will store the information for which product the new user wants to subscribe.

This can be solved quite easily:

First extend the AccountsTemplates configuration in the both directory with the AccountsTemplates.addField operation, for example

    sendVerificationEmail: true 
    enablePasswordChange: true 
    showForgotPasswordLink: true 

  # Configure the routes 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'signIn', layoutTemplate:'appLayout' 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'signUp', layoutTemplate:'appLayout' 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'ensureSignedIn', layoutTemplate: 'appLayout' 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'verifyEmail', layoutTemplate: 'appLayout' 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'changePwd', layoutTemplate: 'appLayout' 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'forgotPwd', layoutTemplate: 'appLayout' 
  AccountsTemplates.configureRoute 'resetPwd', layoutTemplate: 'appLayout' 

  # Add the new field 
    _id: 'reg_code', 
    type: 'hidden' 

Having done that you could call now the sign-up URL with the following parameter

  http://localhost:3000/[email protected]&reg_code=123 

This will route you to the sign-up form already filled with the Email address.

The form will have as well a hidden form element at-field-reg_code.

After registering of the user, the information will be available as of the users profile configuration

An can be easily retrieved via Meteor.user().profile.reg_code for further processing.

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