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Below you will find the API Documentation.

Data API Documentation

The installed request handler will expose a well-defined API to the consumers of the application for transferring and manipulating data of the exposed business domain objects (BDO).

There are two implementations as Open Source available on Github which are supporting this specfication

There are minor differences in the two implementation which will be listed in the documentation.

Format and Protocol

REST API which is supporting the JSON format via the HTTP protocol.

Base URL

All URLs referenced have the following format:



The model loader will create for each defined a model a subresource which will be make up the next level of the overall URL.


The following GET operations are supported

Returning a list of objects

For example the above defined moongoose customers collection URL would look like:


The current implementation will return partial response only limiting to 20 records, which can be paged through. This limit will be made configurable in an upcoming release.

Due to the fact that I’m using this inteface for two backendstyles

  • Mongo Database Backend
  • Google AppEngine Backend

I support to styles of pagination

  • maxRec/limit/offset style
  • cursorstyle

maxRec/limit/offset style (MongoDB)

By default the last JSON record entry will contain additional technical and meta information about the request, necessary for allowing consumers to implement a paging.

    _maxRec: "3",
    _limit: "20",
    _offset: "0"
  • _maxRec will list the total amount of records in the collection
  • _limit will list the maximum number of requests which are given back
  • _offset will tell you which set of records was passed back, i.e. an _offset of 200 would mean that result list skipped the first 199 records and presents the records from 200-220

Pagination Control Parameters


Use offset to skip a number of records, as for example with a limit of 20, you would send a first request with offset=0 then offset=20, then offset=40 etc. until you reached _maxRec.


By passing in a maxRec parameter (normally the one gotten by an earlier paging requerst), the request handler will by pass the database count objects statement, which results in one db activity less (performance optimization). The passed in number will passed back via _maxRec entry. Normally a consumer will fetch in the first request the _maxRec number and pass it back for the subsequent request, resulting in a faster data access request.


Use limitthe restrict the number of records returned. The number must be less than the maximal limit number allowed (currently 20).

cursor style (Google AppEngine)

Also here the last JSON record entry will contain additional meta information about the request, allowing for paging. It’s the so-called cursor an opaque identifier.

    _cursor: "E-ABAIICLGoTY3J5cHRpYy1lcGlzb2RlLTM1NnIVCxIIQ3VzdG9tZXIYgICAgICA6goMFA"

In the Google AppEngine Backend counting of objects is always inefficient and therefore the cursor style paging is supported. The returend opaque identifier has to be provided as additional query parameter for the subsequent call

Pagination Control Parameters


This allows you to page to arbitrary large collections.

Partial Response


Allows you to return only a partial response by listing the fields you are interested in. By default the _id field will be always included.

Request Sample


Filtered Result Set

It’s possible to filter the result set


With the following conventions:

  • Multiple <fieldName>:<value>pairs will be joined with and logical AND
  • The special fieldName _options will be used to provide additional options. Currently there is only one option defined
    • like by defaulf the filter will trigger an exact search, by using likea pattern search will be triggered, which is filtering a value with containes the passed in filter value.
    • In case of the Google AppEngine implementation the like query will filter entries which start with the relevant filter name (not a full like). BigTable, which is the database back end for App Engine, will scale to millions of records. Due to this, App Engine will not allow you to do any query that will result in a table scan, as performance would be dreadful for a well populated table
Returning a dedicated object

Will return the object with the corresponding id.

In case the object doesn’t exist an empty response will be returned.


Partial Response

Applies according to the definition as described above in the get list of objects.

Returning a set of dedicated objects

In case you want to return a set of objects use set request parameter and provide the corresponding identifiers as a comma separated list


Will return the object with the corresponding id.

Partial Response

Applies according to the definition as described above in the get list of objects.



Changes the attributes of the object associated with the corresponding id. As a reply the updated object will be passed back as a JSON record.



Creates the object which is passed in. As a reply the the created object will be passed back as a JSON record (including the newly created _id will be passed back.)



Will delete the corresponding object. As a succesful result the status code 200 will be returned.

Status/Error Handling

HTTP Status Code 200 - OK

Will be returned for a succesful action (e.g. new object creation)

HTTP Status Code 400 - Bad Request

Will be returned in case the request sent by the consumer was not correct (e.g. wrong parameters)

HTTP Status Code 404 - Not Found

The resource was not found. There is nothing on that endpoint URI. The returned JSON is empty.


HTTP Status Code 500 - Int. Server Error

Will be returned in case there is a error in the technical server infrastructure.

Error Return Structure

In case of an error the following JSON Error structure will be given back together with above defined HTTP Status code.

    "message":"Bad Request Query Parameter provided to the clb-modelloader API for  \"customers\": \"limit\" parameter is number",

Date/Timestamp Handling

Any date and timestamp returned by the REST API Layer will follow the rule of the ISO8601 standard. It will be of the following format:


As for example

birthdate: "1964-02-21T00:00:00.000+01:00"