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The Cloudburo clb-test provides a simple framework to load Test Data from a Excel CSV into your persistens storage layer. It’s fully managed by Maven

Currently the following persistent storage layers are supported.

It based on the following open-source frameworks/libraries

  • testng: TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use,
  • Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation
  • org.joda-time: Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time classes
  • org.apache.httpcomponents: A toolset of low level Java components focused on HTTP and associated protocols.
  • net.sf.supercsv: Super CSV is to be the foremost, fastest, and most programmer-friendly, free CSV package for Java.

When executing

  mvn test

The Test driver will load the testng xml configuration file from the testconfig and loads the testdata into the configured persistency backend (either Google App Engine or Mongo DB) by using the Java test data objects defined in /test/com/cloudburo/test.

The current sample definitions/testdata will work in combination with the GoogleApp Engine Java Sample Skeleton which is available in clb-appEngineTemplate

The Initial Load Test Driver is integrated into a TestNGtestscript and can be found under src/test/java/com/cloudburo/test/

It can be easily extended to your needs.

Source Code Location

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Maven Repository

Add the following entries to your POM:

        <name>Cloudburo Maven Repo Snapshot on Github</name>  
        <name>Cloudburo Release Repo on Github</name>  

And the following dependency (adjust the version number if necessary)
