
Table of Content

The Node.js based HTTP server is one of the runtime container used by the Cloudburo deployment strategy. Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

NPM Node Modules

Beside the node.js core server application a set of NPM packaged libraries are used, part of them are also used within the frontend based application (as for example ‘underscore’ or ‘coffee script’)

Clouburo provided Modules

  • clb-modelloader is a small utility which is loading moongoose model definition files from a file directory location into a nodejs server instance and automatically creates corresponding request handlers

Third party provided Modules

  • underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects. It’s the tie to go along with jQuery’s tux, and Backbone.js’s suspenders. Available on github.
  • coffee-script: The CoffeeScript compiler is itself written in CoffeeScript, using the Jison parser generator. The command-line version of coffee is available as a Node.js utility. Available on github.
  • mongodb: MongoDB (from “humongous”) is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. Available on github.
  • moongoose: An elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js.
  • express: Express is a minimal and flexible node.js web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications. Available on github.
  • stitch: Develop and test your JavaScript applications as CommonJS modules in Node.js. Then Stitch them together to run in the browser. Available on github
  • winston: A multi-transport async logging library for node.js. Available on github.
  • uglify-js JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS. Available on github

File Directory Structure

The file directory consists of two parts

  • backend-, server related files are stored in the following directory
    • root directory itself contains of
      • the index.js file which will initialize the Node.js server application
      • the cloudburoApp.js file which bundles the CommonJS modules which makes up the application in a minified single javascript file.
      • the file which loads the server side moongoose model of the application and injects the necessary event handlers.
    • root/node_modules contains all Node.js modules required by the server itsself, as for example express, mongoose, mongodb, stitch, backbone, underscore etc. These modules are managed via the Node Package Modules mechanism.
    • server_modelsdirectory contains all Mongoose based business concept object models of the Cloudburo App platform, as for example the models necessary to persists objects like Customer, Service, Product, Userand so on.
  • frontend-, browser related files are stored in root/app directory


The index.js contains the code for the Node.js configuration it consists of the following main blocks

  1. Creating the Stitch package of the client side java script application, which will be transferred to the client during the initial web page opening
  2. Setting up the Node.js Server and connecting to the cloud based MongoDB instance.
  3. Loading all backend business domain model objects - which are based on mongoose - of the cloudburo app platform and bridge them to the corresponding Backbone frontend business domain model objects

Model Loader

Generic loading mechanism for backend business domain model

The model loader will dynamically auto load the server models which are stored in the server_models directory.

modelLoader = new (require("./modelLoader"))();
modelLoader.autoload(nodeserv,db, path.join(__dirname,"server_models")); 

The server models are defining the mongoose schema for the business domain model objects they are responsible for.

module.exports = class ServiceTemplateModel extends BaseModel
    constructor: (props) ->
        super  'serviceTemplateModel','ServiceTemplateModel',
                new mongoose.Schema
                name:  { type: String, default: '' }
                type: { type: Number, default: '' }
                category:  { type: String}
                prize:  { type: String}
                duration:  { type: String}
    newInstance: (props) ->
        return new ServiceTemplateModel props

Each server model extends the BaseModel

module.exports = class BaseModel
    constructor: (@modelName,@dbModelName,@schema,props) ->
        @dbModel = mongoose.model(@dbModelName, @schema)
        @model = new @dbModel(props)
        @schema.virtual('id').get -> return this._id

        @schema.methods.toBackbone = ->
                obj = this.toObject();
       = obj._id;
                return obj;

    getModelName: -> @modelName
    getDBModel: ->  @dbModel 
    getDBSchema: -> @schema
    save: ->

The model loader will load each model module dynamically out of server_models directory, creates the relevant moongoose object and passes it over to the BackBoneBridge (see below the expose operation)

files = fs.readdirSync modelpath

modelNames = files, (f) => 
  path.basename f

bridge = new (require("./backboneBridge"))()

_und.each modelNames, (modelName) ->     
  modelC = require modelpath + "/" + modelName 
  if modelName != ""
     model = new modelC()        

Generic approach to bridge frontend Backbone business domain models

The expose function will take care that backend requests triggered by frontend Backbone based business object domain models are dispatched to the corresponding Mongoose based business object domain model which will handle the request in interaction with the database. For each server model a set of request handler will be created. In case the server model name is the URL path name will be the file name (without extension) plus an ’s' for the plural, e.g customers. The following request handlers are created for each server model:

  1. get a list of a business domain objects (/customers), GET request
  2. update a business domain object (/customers/<id>), PUT request
  3. delete a business domain object (/customers/<id>), DELETE request
  4. create a new business domain object (/customers/<id>), POST request

The expose function looks like the following

    expose : (model, serv)->
        collection = model.getModelName()+'s'

        serv.get '/'+collection, (req, res) ->
               model.getDBModel().find({}, (err, docs) -> 
             if err != null
               res.json err, 500

       serv.put '/'+collection+'/:id', (req, res) ->
         conditions  = { _id: }
         doc = req.body
         delete doc._id
         model.getDBModel().update conditions, doc,{}, (err, numAffected) -> 
           if err == null 
             res.json  200
             res.json err, 500

       serv.del '/'+collection+'/:id', (req, res) ->
         conditions  = { _id: }
         model.getDBModel().remove conditions, (err, numAffected) -> 
            if err == null 
             res.json  200
             res.json err, 500    '/'+collection, (req, res) ->
         conditions  = { _id: }
         doc = req.body
         obj = model.newInstance doc   
         res.send  obj.model